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Our team

Published by 

Learning for Well-being Foundation

(formerly Universal Education Foundation) 


Legal Address

Iepenlaan 47

2061 GJ Bloemendaal

The Netherlands


Commercial Register of the Chamber of Commerce, Amsterdam, nr. 34206704



8 rue Amédée Lynen

1210 Brussels, Belgium




Joint Editors 

Jean Gordon

Linda O'Toole



Siobhán Denham



Studio Marsel Stoopen



Rui Barros

Luís Manuel Pinto


Date of Publication

Issue 1: 15 January 2016

Issue 2: 10 September 2016

Issue 3: 15 March 2017

Issue 4: 15 September 2017

Issue 5: 20 April 2018

Issue 6: 17 December 2018

Linda O’Toole


At an early age I recognized, and was fascinated by, individual differences in people: specifically, their pacing, how they pay attention, the relative importance of story-telling, the amount of background information needed, and so forth. This fascination has been reflected in my life-long interest in noticing and describing the patterns through which people engage and process their inner and outer experiences, including how they select and express information. I refer to these patterns as “inner diversity” and I have come to believe that an understanding and capacity to work with our individual patterns of processing is foundational for a sense of wholeness and well-being, as well as our interactions with others. My professional work for more than thirty years has involved writing, training, and personal coaching in education, health care, and global corporations, with a focus on helping people integrate the cognitive, relational and sensory functions within a living system perspective. For the last eight years, I have helped develop the Learning for Well-being framework, finding a home within UEF for my approach to inner diversity, while I actively continue to explore new ideas and practices that can shift the awareness of those who implement them. 

Jean Gordon


Bringing change and improvements to education, training and all situations where children, young people and adults are learning so that everyone can lead happy, healthy and meaningful lives is at the core of my work. I live in Paris and worked from 1989 to 2013 for the European Institute of Education and Social Policy (Director 2003-2013), working mainly with the European Union, countries across Europe and in the Mediterranean region. My work aims to contribute to lifelong learning opportunities and personal development through improving access to learning, and its recognition, enhancing pathways and increasing transparency of learning and qualifications. I was Joint Editor of the European Journal of Education (2004-2015) and enjoy writing and editing articles and reports so that more people can inform themselves about new ideas and initiatives. Since 2005 I have worked with UEF developing tools and partnerships to support Learning for Well-being. I am proud to be a member of the team of CATS - Children as Actors for Transforming Society, contributing to the key goal of this international initiative that children and young people are partners in building a more just, inclusive and sustainable society.

Bio Jean
Bio Linda
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